Rediscover a Pain-Free Life.
Exceptional spinal care with world-leading specialists and facilities for a life restored, that starts today.
LCN Spine is a leading private spinal clinic, with world-leading specialists and facilities.
We expertly treat a wide range of spinal conditions with comprehensive rehabilitation, ensuring patients regain their quality of life.
- No GP referral necessary
- No waiting, immediate appointments
- 5 star patient centric care
If you're feeling discomfort or pain, try our free MyDiagnosis tool to help you identify the likely condition and explore the range of treatment options available.
Get StartedYour journey to pain-free life with LCN Spine
Welcome to LCN Spine, where we lead the way in providing innovative and modern treatments for individuals facing spinal conditions. Our friendly and approachable team, led by renowned spinal surgeon Mr. Am Rai, specialises in minimal invasive procedures for neck and lower back disc herniations causing sciatica (leg and arm pain), Spinal stenosis surgery with expertise treating the ageing population, spinal deformities, trauma, infections, and tumours, offering you a path to wellness with expertise and experience you can trust.
With world-leading specialists, state-of-the-art facilities, and a commitment to personalised care, we deliver expert diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of spinal conditions. From the moment you walk through our doors to the day you regain your strength, flexibility, and mobility through comprehensive rehabilitation, London Norwich Spine Clinic is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring you regain your quality of life and well-being.
Schedule An Appointment Today
Make An AppointmentAt LCN Spine, your well-being is our top priority. We're here to enhance your quality of life through effective spinal condition treatment, providing personalised plans and ensuring you're well-informed.
- No GP referral necessary
- No waiting, immediate appointments
- 5 star patient centric care
Get a FREE telephone consultation with one of our spinal team, or just call us with any questions you may have.

Our clinics are conveniently located in London and Norwich. They offer state-of-the-art facilities and use the latest techniques and technologies in spinal care. The clinics are dedicated to providing outstanding treatment and aftercare.
Discover Our ClinicsWe're here to answer your questions
A spinal surgeon is the complete expert on spinal diagnosis and treatment. The spinal surgeon or specialist has the greatest knowledge of how your spine works and is therefore best placed to advise on all possible forms of treatment whether this is physiotherapy, injections, or surgery. More than 90% of our patients are managed successfully without surgery.
No. Many of the people we see self refer. You do not need a letter from your GP. We are most interested in what you have to tell us. However, we do appreciate letters from anyone who has looked after you such as GPs, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths etc. and will write back to them, summarising your problems, if you wish. This helps to maintain excellent continuity of care.
Please let us know where you have had recent previous imaging and we will endeavour to load images on our system prior to your appointment.
Yes. We work with most insurance providers. Please call us to confirm that you are covered by your medical insurance.
Immediately. It is often possible to see one of our specialists within 24 hours. Call us and we can advise.
Yes, of course. In fact we encourage our patients to come to appointments with a friend. Two heads are always better than one when discussing and considering options.
Absolutely. We make a point of giving our patients as much time as they need and we will always encourage you to ask us questions. Decisions are made in discussion and partnership with you.
We see a very broad range of ages from children to great grandparents. Our patients are individuals and we consider them as such. Your overall fitness is much more important than age when considering treatments. We routinely operate on patients well into their eighties and nineties. Patients are living longer and they are keen to keep independent and pain free.
Our experience with minimally invasive keyhole spinal procedures and advanced anaesthetic techniques (sometimes avoiding the need for general anaesthesia) has made this possible. We have published on this subject and have a programme which will predict your surgical outcome-ref norwich surgery predictor. Learn more.
Yes. We have an in house pharmacy and pharmacist and can give you appropriate and effective analgesia if you require.
Yes. We have experienced friendly in-house physiotherapists who we work closely with as part of our great team.
Absolutely. We are highly experienced in performing all types of spinal injection from neck to lower back and coccyx. We routinely offer sedation so injections are completely comfortable and stress free. Real time imaging is always used to ensure injections are accurate and safe.
Hopefully not. In more than 90% of cases we are able to resolve problems without the need for surgery. We will always advise what is best for your back and consider surgery a last resort.
Very fast. Typically we can usually arrange simple treatments such as injections within days or surgery within a few weeks.
Yes. We actually specialise in offering day case spinal surgery and the majority of our patients go home within 23 hours.. We achieve this by combining minimal access approaches to the spine with special local and regional anaesthetic techniques avoiding the traditional strong general anaesthesia.
Yes. We always write comprehensive clinic letters which summarise your problems, diagnosis, prognosis, and the best treatment options discussed. We routinely send these letters to your GP and anyone else who has provided you care unless you would prefer otherwise. Most importantly, you will receive these clinic letters which you will find helpful to read and keep. It is often very useful to show these letters to medical practitioners in the future.
No. You are putting your health problems first and choosing to see a first class specialist in a world renowned centre. Our prices are comparable with other Independent health care providers in the UK. We will always be open and transparent about costs so there are no surprises.
Mr Rai is an experienced NHS spinal consultant who understands that many people need a quick spinal opinion but cannot afford private care. He offers free appointments to those who cannot afford to self-fund, so that they can be diagnosed and referred for NHS treatment as soon as possible. Please call us to discuss your options.
- We write and copy your Gp into any treatment options. If you wish to have this treatment on the NHS then your Gp can refer you through the normal NHS pathways. Emergency treatment is readily available but elective surgery is usually associated with waiting times. Back pain is not a treatment priority in the NHS due to cost and resources.. More specialist treatments such as laser discectomy may not be available at all.